The plantar fascia is a thick band of connective tissue that runs along the bottom of the foot, providing support to the arch. A tear in the plantar fascia, known as a plantar fascial tear, can cause significant discomfort and affect daily activities. This comprehensive guide will explore the symptoms, treatment options, and expected recovery timeline for individuals dealing with a torn plantar fascia.

A torn plantar fascia can be a painful condition, and recognising its symptoms is crucial for seeking timely medical attention. 

What are the common signs of a torn plantar fascia?

  1. Sharp Heel Pain:
    • One of the primary symptoms is intense pain in the heel, particularly during the first steps in the morning or after periods of rest.
  2. Pain During Activity:
    • Pain may also occur or intensify during activities such as walking, running, or standing for prolonged periods.
  3. Tenderness to Touch:
    • The affected area, especially the bottom of the heel, may be tender to the touch.
  4. Swelling and Inflammation:
    • Swelling and inflammation around the heel, sometimes extending into the arch of the foot, can be present.
  5. Stiffness and Limited Range of Motion:
    • Stiffness in the foot and a reduced range of motion may accompany a torn plantar fascia.
  6. Pain After Exercise:
    • Pain may persist or increase after physical activity, rather than improving with rest.
  7. Changes in Gait:
    • Individuals with a torn plantar fascia may alter their walking or running gait to minimize pressure on the affected foot.
  8. Pain Along the Arch:
    • Discomfort along the foot arch, as the plantar fascia extends from the heel to the toes, may also be experienced.

If you suspect a torn plantar fascia based on these symptoms, it is essential to consult with a healthcare professional for a proper diagnosis and guidance on treatment. A healthcare provider, such as a podiatrist, can conduct a thorough examination, including imaging studies like ultrasound or MRI, to confirm the diagnosis.

At Highett Podiatry, our podiatrists will send your for imaging, if they suspect a tear in the plantar fascia.  This is usually after a week or two of treatment, where your symptoms haven’t reduced as much as to be expected.

It’s important not to ignore persistent or worsening foot pain, as delaying treatment may lead to complications and prolonged recovery. Early intervention and adherence to a treatment for a plantar fascia tear is critical to a successful recovery from a torn plantar fascia.

For correct diagnosis, treatment and management of your plantar fascial tear it is imperative that you consult with your podiatrist.

  • Podiatrists are allied health professionals who specialise in diagnosing and treating conditions related to the feet and ankles. They are well-equipped to assess and manage plantar fascial tears, offering a range of conservative treatments, medication prescription, ultrasound guided cortisone injections and, if necessary, referrals for more advanced interventions.

How do you treat plantar fascia tear?

Treating a plantar fascial tear involves a combination of conservative measures and medical intervention. 

Here are key aspects of the treatment:

  1. Rest and Ice:
    • Initial management includes rest to allow the torn fascia to heal. Applying ice to the affected area helps reduce swelling and alleviate pain.
    • A moon boot may be indicated for a few weeks to speed up the healing process.
  2. Anti-Inflammatory Medications:
    • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) may be recommended to manage pain and inflammation.
  1. Strapping
    • Your podiatrist will apply a rigid restrictive taping method to prevent further stress and strain on the torn plantar fascia.
  2. Orthotics:
    • Custom or over-the-counter orthotic devices can provide additional support and relieve pressure on the plantar fascia.
  3. Footwear Modification:
    • Wearing supportive and comfortable footwear, especially with proper arch support, is essential during the recovery period.
  4. Corticosteroid Injections:
    • In some cases, our endorsed podiatrist may administer corticosteroid injections to reduce inflammation and alleviate pain.
  5. Soft tissue therapy
    • Therapeutic ultrasound therapy administered to reduce inflammation and increase blood flow to the area, aiding tissue healing.
  6. Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy (ESWT):
    • ESWT is a non-invasive treatment that uses shock waves to stimulate healing and reduce pain.
    • With plantar fascial tears, sometimes Shock Wave Therapy can be contra- indicated.  Your podiatrist will advise if this treatment is appropriate for your injury.

How long does it to heal for plantar fascia tear to heal?

The recovery timeline for a torn plantar fascia can vary based on the tear’s severity and the chosen treatment’s effectiveness.

In general, individuals can expect the following progression. Here’s how to heal a torn plantar fascia: 

  1. Initial Relief (1-2 weeks):
    • Rest and conservative measures provide initial relief from acute symptoms.
  2. Reduced Pain (2-6 weeks):
    • As inflammation subsides and healing progresses, pain levels typically decrease.
  3. Physical Therapy (4-8 weeks):
    • Engaging in physical therapy helps restore flexibility and strength in the foot.
  4. Gradual Return to Activity (8-12 weeks):
    • Patients can gradually resume normal activities, incorporating stretching and strengthening exercises.
  5. Long-Term Management (Beyond 12 weeks):
    • Continued use of supportive footwear, orthotics, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle can prevent recurrence.

It’s crucial for individuals with a plantar fascial tear to follow their healthcare provider’s advice, attend follow-up appointments, and communicate any concerns during the recovery process. Patience and adherence to the prescribed treatment plan are key to achieving a successful and sustained recovery.

Can you walk on a torn plantar fascia?

Yes, but walking with a torn plantar fascia can be quite painful, and the severity of the tear will influence the level of discomfort. 


A torn plantar fascia can be a painful and limiting condition, but with timely and appropriate intervention, individuals can achieve significant relief and restore normal function. By understanding the symptoms, seeking prompt medical attention, and actively participating in recovery, individuals can increase their chances of a successful and timely return to pain-free mobility. Always consult with a healthcare professional for personalised advice and guidance tailored to your specific condition.